Visualization of Your Code

Visualization of Your Code

Working at long and big projects, it is fun to see on a release date how this project was built: who worked at a particular part; when a new guy joined the project, deleted some code and did refactoring; or when the lead developer went to vacation. There is a lot of such tools, you can even use a browser version. But I still prefer using gource (

This story would be about how to setup and automize video creation, what general issues you will encounter and other stuff.

It is an old tool. I started using it in 2009 when we finished the next sprint.

Step 1: Installation

Ok, you wouldn’t believe me, but I use … use … MacOS :)

$ brew update
$ brew install gource

That’s all.

Step 2: Show simple video

Now you are able to see visualization of any project of yours.

$ cd <path to project>
$ gource

Step 3: Avatars

Ok, now you see some color dots and color figures. Let’s add some recognizable images to authors. There is an old example showing how to get gravatars of users:

$ curl >

Run the script and it would fetch gravatar images by author’s email to .git/avatar.

$ perl
$ gource --user-image-dir .git/avatar

Step 4: Video

First read this article Gource Videos

$ gource --camera-mode overview --seconds-per-day 1 --user-image-dir .git/avatar/ -1280x720 -o gource/gource.ppm 

$ ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i gource/gource.ppm -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 4 -bf 0 gource/gource.mp4

Step 5: Soundtrack

Open video file in QuickTime. From Finder Drag and Drop our soundtrack file to the QuickTime window. It is very easy.